Brintle's Travel Store

Our gasoline pumps are located for your convenience beside the travel store. We offer unleaded, mid-grade and premium BP gasoline. Eight pumps are equipped with card readers under a well lighted canopy.

Inside the travel store you will find great prices on cigarettes, grocery and snack items. In our souvenir section you will find a wide variety of " MAYBERRY " and " NASCAR " collectables. Our electronic department has expanded to include DVD players, cell phone accessories, computer accessories, portable CD players and personal electronic accessories.

We have recently improved our music and video department where you will find the latest NEW RELEASES on cassette, VHS, DVD and CD all at reasonable prices. For those on the move we offer "Books in Motion" , the new way to rent audio books. 

We carry Texas boots and will gladly order Laredo and Code West boots from our catalog. In our hot deli we have biscuits, made in our Homestyle Restaurant, from 12:00am-10:00am. Lunch and dinner hot deli includes; fried chicken, potato wedges, cheese sticks, corn dogs, hot wings, hot dogs and chicken tenders.

We invite you to shop at Brintle's Travel Store; it's much more than a convenience store. We are open 24 hours a day-seven days a week.

Mayberry Collectables

Brintle Family Favorites cookbook
14.99 each
